Monday, March 18, 2013

Revolutionary War Project

For English extra credit, we were given the task of creating a video for our most recent assignment.  In small groups, we had to take a song and create new lyrics that related to the Revolutionary War or a book that we read about the Revolutionary War.  In my group, (Jamie, Dean, and myself), we were originally going to do lyrics to the song PAY PHONE.  However, we discovered that another group was already doing that song.  Rather than be compared to that group, I suggested we use a different song like AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME.  It was a song that had a good beat and was easy to sing. 

Working together, we created the new lyrics to go along with our song and they turned out great.  Now came the decision of whether or not we should do just the lyrics, or the extra credit, too.  Since I was scheduled to have a bike/ Boy Scout camping trip for the weekend, I didn't know if I would have the time to dedicate to making a video.  Therefore, we decided to go ahead and sing the song in class on Friday.  To tell you the truth, we sounded horrible, but we gave it our best.  Not having a back-up-band (music) didn't help us.  Hopefully we were not graded on our a capella performance, but on our words that represented this historical time period.

Now comes the good news.  My dad let me choose if I wanted to go camping or not.  Knowing that my grade could be in need of a boost, I didn't want to give up the opportunity to cash in on the extra credit.  So, on Saturday, Jamie and Dean came over to my house and the recording began.  After a couple of hours together we had the majority of our video ready.  On Sunday,  I FaceTimed my group so that we could put on the finishing touches.

We are proud of the way that we worked together!  Hope you enjoy this video.